(903) 513-7549 / jakebthornberry@simplelifewebdesign.com

Hostinger's Website Builder

We currently use Hostinger's Website Builder to build all of our websites. It keeps things simple for us and even simpler for you.

Our services include

  • One-time start up fees that are usually between $300-$600

  • Annual fees that range anywhere from $150-$500

  • The annual fees and start up fees highly depend on the complexity and style of the website, the time spent on the build and maintenance.

Different Web Designs

  • Business Showcase (most popular)

    • Think of this like an online brochure about your business

    • Brochure's have multiple pages, different pictures and a lot of information that doesn't just fit on one page.

      • If you have a business and want customers to be able to know who you are, what your company is about, what you offer, and how you can help them, then this is what you want.

    • The website you're on right now is a business showcase.

  • Portfolio

    • This is a website that you can show businesses when searching for jobs. If you're job hunting and would like to separate yourself from the rest of the job applications. Submit your own portfolio in your resume. Or if you just want a website about you for some reason.

  • Blog

    • You got a bunch of ideas that you'd like to have on the internet? Do you see interesting things often and would like to let people know? This is what a blog is for. The difference between this and your social media page is, you don't have to worry about your posts being taken down. Every big channel basically starts off with some type of blog. The cool thing is you can share your blogs on your social media to promote people who want to check your blogs out. You can add comments to allow your viewers to communicate with you on your website as well and a lot more.

  • Wedding Invitations

    • Weddings cost an arm and a leg. On average, wedding planners charge 10-15% of the wedding budget on invitations. Depending on how expensive your wedding is, this can be pricey.

      • It's way to easy to build a website for weddings. $300 to build it and $100 to send out the emails. Is how much I believe its worth.

      • There are no annual fees.

  • Landing Page

    • A landing page is like an online business card.

    • If a business showcase is a brochure that has different pages and multiple options. A landing page has one specific goal and action it's purposed for, like a business card.

  • Online Store

    • This style of web design cost the most.

      • This is the only web design that makes you money. Which means more maintenance, and also more time throughout the year.

    • Anyone who's interested in selling their products online. You could easily just sell your product on Amazon. But now your under their rules and you then have to price your product based off what they say.

      • My suggestion, if you're just starting off. Build you an online store with me, let me help you promote your product on social media. Let's see what we can make happen without Amazon first. If It grows very fast then we can move to Amazon if you want to continue growth.

      • If you've already made your product on Amazon and done well. I would suggest finding a web design company that can make you a very complex website using Wordpress (it's a very complex web design that I can do but it's not enjoyable, so I don't offer it).

  • Restaurant

    • This is basically a business showcase website.

      • The difference in having a restaurant website and a business showcase for me is, it's a lot more work.

        • Showcasing a business with a lot of product and having to constantly update the product is basically what it takes to have a restaurant. I would not categorize a smaller food truck or restaurant in this category.

    • If you have a restaurant and would like to sell your product online. It would be more like having an online store than a business showcase.

      • If you would like that to be complex, you'll need someone who offers Wordpress, we do not.

The Process

Depending on what style of website you want this differs slightly.

I always build a mock draft presentation website for every customer. To give you an idea of what the website would look like and could entail. I enjoy building websites so it's free for the presentation. I can screen share over the computer or come and meet you to show you in person to present the mock draft.

If we decide to move forward, we will then fill out a contract with details about end dates and purchases. Contracts are only there to hold ourselves accountable and for peace of mind. This contract will state ownership of the website to you and me as manager of the account upon your discretion.

After the signing of the contracts I would then begin building the website in it's entirety. I would be in constant communication with you. When the website is finished I would go live but not publicly allow anyone without the link to have access. Send you the link for you to look over, then when you have approved, we would go public.

The first month after release, any and all updates are 100% free. Due to the fact, the website is new, so I understand that you could not have thought of a few things that are now coming up later.

After the first month any small updates like word or picture changes are free. Big updates like a new page, a different design, or new landing page, will cost extra. On average big update changes are anywhere from $25-$100.

Your annual fees will be paid ahead of the year not at the end. These costs will cover all the small updates you need, the hosting and domain fees.

*Everything will be covered and agreed upon in the contract*

Maintaining websites is relatively easy, depending on the customers business. On average, business showcases are $150 per year; e-commerce online stores can vary in between $150 per year to $1200 per year. Everything is dependent on how much work you require of us throughout the year.

Search Engine Optimization is basically everything needed for people to find your website when using any search engine. Key words to help people find you. It's a lot more complex than that but to make it simple this is very important and for us to help your SEO throughout the year it takes a lot of effort and time. These prices vary from $50-$1000 per year, but on average it's $100.

We categorize marketing under any social media help, building/maintaining search engine pages, or other forms of reaching new customers. We make marketing simple by not trying to be too flashy with everything. The best marketing you can have is attention, good feeling, remembrance. That's what you want your potential customer to go through when seeing information about you and your business. Marketing prices vary depending on how much help you need.