(903) 513-7549 / jakebthornberry@simplelifewebdesign.com


Please read our "Build Website" page and "Maintain Website" page.

Have you ever thought about how you can go to Google.com, then type in a word or a phrase, and then all of the sudden what you typed in is right in front of you? Or at least something close to it.

How is that possible?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is how.

I don't know if you're old enough to remember, but back in the day, you had to know the specific web domain (.com name) to find the page that you wanted to go to. In hope that the page had the information you required. It was less than efficient.

But now with SEO we can type in certain words and the search engine will then look through all web domains for those specific words categorized together to bring the person searching to or close to what they want. It's even more complex than that, especially today with AI. But you get my point, if you want people to find your website when searching for key words. SEO is VERY important.

This is why any business with a website, will pay a pretty penny for SEO. It puts customers in front of your website instead of your competitors.

SEO is priced by time.

How much time I spend on trying to find every possible way to make sure you're the first website people see. I would first do a few hours for free for you. So that I can show you proof that SEO works. Then afterwards I would charge a huge price of $25 an hour. Which is a lot in my opinion. But the work required is definitely worth it.

I would not suggest SEO for every customer. And I already do a basic SEO for every customer no charge.

The extra that I'm talking about is looking into every search engine possible and finding out what your competitors are doing to be ahead of you. Once I find that out, I can then find avenues to put you ahead of them.

*Disclaimer - Do the minimum SEO (so basically what's free) for as long as possible. A big majority of competitors pay Google and other search engines to put their websites or products at the top. It used to be a good idea but people are starting to catch on and realize that half the time the "sponsored" websites are either scams or have nothing to do with what they want or aren't necessarily the best product. All "sponsored" means is, this company makes enough money to pay Google for marketing. Sponsorships are not the way. Free for as long as possible is always the best avenue.

On average we build websites anywhere in-between $300-$600. We build templates for free to present and show what our potential customers websites could look like. We try to build simple websites for a more than affordable price. More complex web designs may be limited to what we offer, contact us for more information.

Maintaining websites is relatively easy, depending on the customers business. On average, business showcases are $150 per year; e-commerce online stores can vary in between $150 per year to $1200 per year. Everything is dependent on how much work you require of us throughout the year.

We categorize marketing under any social media help, building/maintaining search engine pages, or other forms of reaching new customers. We make marketing simple by not trying to be too flashy with everything. The best marketing you can have is attention, good feeling, remembrance. That's what you want your potential customer to go through when seeing information about you and your business. Marketing prices vary depending on how much help you need.